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High Technology Plus has been offering an almost unique combination of high speed and astounding control for many years. This version High Tech Cypress Carbon is based the same combination however 2 adjustments have been made. The blade comes with less thick balsa core. Also it now provides more stability and force thanks to the use of 2 carbon layers that are placed directly around the balsa core. In combination with The outer plies made of American Cypress help to obtain a combination of speed and good control. High Tech Cypress Carbon is also a good match for an offensive type of game with pimple-out rubbers since both high speed and a low bounce will be produced.


Number of Layers:5+2
approximate weight (g):74
Blade Type:OFF
thickness (mm):10

Dr.Neubauer High Tech Cypress Carbon

Sales Tax Included

    The disruptor coach the pimple specialist

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